Nourrissez Explorateur personnalisé lecteur de nouvelles hors ligne et le meilleur lecteur de podcast!
Feed Explorer is a news aggregator for RSS and ATOM feeds. Support all kind of news and blog formats (including RSS, ATOM, Podcast).n*Import feeds from online.n*Offers advanced, cutting-edge capabilities, including the most comprehensive podcasting support available today.n*Support downloads Podcast for offline playback.n*Support download article for offline reading.n*Add your own news source.n*Easy Search: You can search for a news source by simple keywords.n*Highly customizable UI and support multiple theme colors with both dark and light background.n*Smart notification to alert user when new article become available.n*Share Feed article and news on many sources. Sharing it via Facebook, Twitter and Email is easy (Requires Facebook and Twitter Android app installed).n*Easy sorting: User can define Sort Article by Unread/Read First, Date ASC/DESC and Title.n*Hide unread: Dont like to see unread feed or article, this option make it easy to navigate.n*Offline reading: Download and cache article and image locally for easy offline reading. n*Additionally, individual items can be flagged or emailed easily from inside Offline Reader.nFeed Explorer constantly checks your favorite news sites and blogs for new content. nFeed Explorer keeps track of which things youve read so that you only see unread items when you come back.nFeed Explorer can be configured to automatically download article and podcast for offline readingnYou can star items to save them for later. You can email articles or post links to Twitter to share with friends.nGoing through your articles is easy: just swipe left/rightnAnd if there are feeds you don’t want to read, you can hide or delete them.nFeed Explorer lets you search your feeds flexibly. you can search all your articles carrying a certain keyword.nFeed Explorer Full Screen Reader Support.nSupported Languages:nBasquenBulgariannCatalà nCatalannChinese SimplifiednChinese TraditionalnHrvatski (Croatian)nCeština (Czech)nDansk (Danish)nNederlands (Dutch)nEnglishnEesti keel (Estonian)nSuomi (Finnish)nFrançais (French)nDeutsch (German)nGreeknHebrewnHindinMagyar (Hungarian)nBahasa Indonesia (Indonesian)nItaliano (Italian)nJapanesenKoreannLatviešu valoda (Latvian)nLietuviu kalba (Lithuanian)nBahasa melayu (Malay)nMarathinNorsk (Norwegian)nPolski (Polish)nPortuguês (Portuguese)nLimba româna (Romanian)nRussiannSerbian CyrillicnSrpski (Serbian Latin)nSlovenšcina (Slovenian)nSlovencina (Slovak)nEspañol (Spanish)nSvenska (Swedish)nTamilnTurkishnUkrainiannVietnamesenGalego (Galician)nMacedoniannPortuguês do Brasil (Brazilian Portuguese)nNepalin KhmernPersiannGeorgian.